Sunday, June 25, 2017

Height ruler

 Never grow up!

My kids love to see how much they have grown and compare heights to their siblings.  We moved from our old house where I had measured year by year on a closet wall.  When it came time to move my mom took parchment paper and wrote down all the measurements. I transfered all the heights onto this board. I wish I had done this before.  Much easier to just move a piece of wood!

I made one as a housewarming gift for a friend too!

 pencil, paint, stain

Ugly Green gotta Go!
This was my trial of what to do with this thing!  The green tiles were dating our house.

We have three fireplaces in our house.  Two have now been redone with the slate tile.  I have no plans to redo the 3rd since it is a nice white color with timeless tile.  Trying to pick a timeless decor is essential when you are planning to put this much effort into updates. 

My thoughts were maybe a white tile, chevron.  I went with a more timeless stone.  

Replaced with slate tiles and a diagonal design on the bottom.

This is after I also replace the flooring with the plywood flooring I blogged about as well. Fireplace and floors holding up amazing!

Hammer time!

Ummmmm, this stuff is really sharp!  Sorry for all of you that can't handle the site of blood. This ol' nurse, doesn't phase me a bit!  So, if you hammer out your tile, wear gloves! 

Slate tile from Lowes.  Comes in sections. Used it on our last house fireplace redo also. Classic.

I ended up doing a diamond shaped pattern on the base.  It's all fun and games until you get to the multi-cut corner pieces.

 Hey, atleast I had on my safety goggles!

Bookshelf accents

 When we moved into this house I really had no vision or thoughts for these shelves.  All I knew was that I had no intent on keeping them for books or knick knack patty whacks. 

I removed some of the shelves, put Target contact paper on the back and found these awesome mirrors at Pier One!  

Link for Target wallpaper: 

 Our upstairs hallway.  Two of these bookshelves!

 Love the way these turned out!

Chevron Wall

My daughter painted this all by herself. Taped and measured to perfection. She's got mad painting skills and certainly more meticulous than me!  The "e" came from hobby lobby discount isle. Pineapple gold accent sheets from Target and furniture and lamp from ikea. If you have ever put a ikea anything together you understand the amount of love put into this bedroom. 

Only before picture I have, before we moved in. 

 Here she is working so hard on her room.

She had the pink accent for a while, but repainted to the top picture.  I like the top better too!

simple ways to update the bathroom

90's  B-A-T-H-R-O-O-M updates If I could count the number of bathrooms I have re-done.  This is my daughters bathroom. Again, we have 90...